In 1961, following the Bay of Pigs invasion, tensions rise between the U.S. and the Soviets in Berlin. A group of Hollywood professionals, known as “weekend warriors,” dodge regular military duty by serving in the 73rd air transport wing of the California Air National Guard. Led by screenwriter Vince Tucker, they face a crisis when Congressman Ernest W. Balljoy threatens to deploy them to a remote Pacific island.
To avoid being drafted, Tucker and his Hollywood pals devise a plan to deceive Congressman Balljoy and the Air Force inspectors. By utilizing their showbiz connections and skills, they transform themselves into “The Fighting 73rd,” a top-notch Air National Guard unit, through a grand Hollywood-style performance.
After successfully fooling the Air Force brass and Congressman Balljoy with their spectacular show, the 73rd celebrates their triumph with a wild bash in Las Vegas. The Hollywood Air Force propaganda victory solidifies their status as legendary “weekend warriors.”
Don’t miss out on the action and entertainment – watch the full movie of “Weekend Warriors” to experience the thrilling story of Hollywood deception and military triumph!