In this thrilling crime drama, two Icelandic brothers find themselves at odds with the law and each other. Erik, a suave and ambitious businessman, contrasts sharply with Atli, a recently released ex-convict on a dangerous path.
Desperate for a quick score, the brothers hatch a risky plan to smuggle drugs into Iceland. Using Sofia, a young Polish woman unaware of the danger she’s in, they transport cocaine inside plastic pellets. But their scheme is endangered when relentless cop Lena gets wind of their activities.
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As the pressure mounts and Sofia falls ill from the drugs inside her, the brothers must race against time to deliver the illicit cargo. With a rival gang eyeing their stash and Lena closing in, Erik’s strategic mind is put to the ultimate test.
Will the brothers escape unscathed, or will their greed and deception lead to their downfall? Find out in Vultures Online Full Movie and witness a story of crime, loyalty, and sacrifice.