“Urban Hymn” follows troubled teenage girl Jamie, who possesses an amazing singing voice, and Kate, an inspiring and unconventional social worker who encourages her to use it.
A redemptive coming-of-age story about a wayward teen, Jamie (Letitia Wright), who is encouraged by an inspiring and unconventional social worker, Kate (Shirley Henderson), to use singing as an escape from her troubled background. Jamie’s loyalties soon become torn between Kate and her possessive and volatile best friend Leanne (Isabella Laughland).—Level 33 Entertainment
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Experience the emotional journey of Jamie and Kate in “Urban Hymn” as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and the power of music to heal.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to watch “Urban Hymn” online now and witness the transformative story unfold before your eyes. Join Jamie and Kate on their inspiring journey towards redemption and self-discovery. Urban Hymn watch online today and immerse yourself in this heartwarming tale of resilience and hope.