In the vibrant suburban tomato garden of Van Nuys, California, a unique story unfolds. Meet Theo, a garden snail who has taken on the name “Turbo.” Unlike his fellow snails, Turbo dreams of becoming a racing champion, inspired by his idol, the five-time Indy 500 winner, Guy Gagné. However, his passion for speed sets him apart, making him an outcast in the slow-paced snail community and a source of embarrassment for his older brother, Chet.
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One fateful night, after a close call with a lawnmower while trying to retrieve a fallen tomato, Turbo finds himself wandering onto a busy freeway. There, he gazes at the speeding cars and makes a wish upon a star—unbeknownst to him, it’s actually an airplane. In a twist of fate, Turbo gets sucked into the supercharger of a Chevrolet Camaro during a street race, resulting in a life-changing transformation. When he awakens the next day, he discovers he has gained incredible superspeed and the characteristics of a car.
However, Turbo’s first attempt at using his newfound abilities leads to chaos when he accidentally crashes a boy’s tricycle into his own garden crew’s tomato garden, resulting in both him and Chet getting fired. As Chet scolds Turbo for his reckless behavior, disaster strikes when a crow snatches Chet away. In a heroic moment, Turbo rescues his brother near a rundown strip mall known as “Starlight Plaza.”
At Starlight Plaza, Turbo and Chet are captured by Tito Lopez, a taco truck driver who sees potential in Turbo. They are taken to a snail race organized by Tito and his co-workers. In a stunning display of speed, Turbo wins the race in mere seconds, earning the respect of the other snails, including the leader, Whiplash. This victory cements the name “Turbo” as his own, and Tito envisions reviving Starlight Plaza by using Turbo as the main attraction.
Despite initial resistance from Chet and Tito’s older brother, Angelo, Turbo convinces Tito to enter him in the upcoming Indy 500. With the help of the snails, who divert a tour bus to showcase Turbo’s superspeed, they attract impressive business, leading Tito’s co-workers to agree to fund Turbo’s entrance fee and accompany them to Indiana.
Upon arriving at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Turbo finally gets the chance to showcase his speed. After a chance encounter with his idol, Guy Gagné, both Turbo and Gagné qualify for the race, achieving a remarkable speed of 226 mph. Their performance creates a buzz on social media, and the CEO of IndyCar reluctantly allows Turbo to compete, thanks to Gagné’s support.
However, the night before the race, Turbo sneaks out after a heated argument with Chet and encounters Gagné again. This time, Gagné reveals his true nature—he is solely focused on winning and views Turbo as a mere gimmick to attract more viewers. Gagné warns Turbo to back out of the race, claiming that everyone will be watching him win.
As the race begins, Turbo finds himself at the back of the pack, struggling against more experienced competitors. During a pit stop, Whiplash and his crew offer Turbo a pep talk, encouraging him to embrace his small size and race differently. Turbo takes their advice to heart and begins to gain ground, but Gagné resorts to cheating, knocking Turbo against the wall and damaging his shell, which severely weakens his superspeed.
Despite the setbacks, Turbo refuses to give up. On the final lap, he manages to take the lead from Gagné. However, Gagné’s desperation leads to a crash that involves many competitors, including Turbo. Although Turbo survives, he finds himself with a punctured shell and no superspeed, leading him to hide in his shell in despair.
Seeing his brother lose hope, Chet has a change of heart. He meets with Whiplash’s crew and encourages Turbo to continue racing. Inspired by his brother’s newfound support, Turbo emerges from his shell and resumes the race. Gagné, determined to win, drags his wrecked car in pursuit of Turbo, even attempting to crush him. In a nail-biting finish, Turbo narrowly wins the race by tucking and rolling with his shell.