The New York-based private investigation firm, Odyssey Detective Agency, employs three agents: John Russo, Arthur Brodsky, and Charles Rutledge. Their boss, Leon Leondopolous, tries to manage his bumbling agents while carrying on an affair with his secretary Amy. Odyssey investigates married women Angela Niotes and Dolores Martin. John meets Deborah Wilson, a taxi driver, and falls for her. Charles falls for Dolores, who’s cheating on her husband with Jose.
John recounts his tryst with Deborah to Leon and worries about his age. Christy starts a relationship with Charles to get back at John. Dolores flirts with Charles and eventually kisses him. John tracks Angela and her son to a toy store and confesses his feelings. Deborah meets Angela and John without any jealousy. Dolores reveals her divorce plans to Charles and accepts his marriage proposal.
Charles spends the night outside Dolores’ apartment and follows her to a courthouse. Christy invites everyone to a concert where Angela hints at leaving for Europe. Charles proposes to Dolores, and Christy introduces Jose as her fiancé. The next day, Charles and Dolores, as well as Christy and Jose, have a double wedding. John sees Angela off and returns to Deborah, waiting in his cab.
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