In the year 2078, an anomalously expanding red giant Sun threatens to engulf the Earth within 100 years. Humanity, under a world government, constructs 12,000 fusion-powered “Earth Engines” to move the planet out of the Solar System. Chinese astronaut Liu Peiqiang leaves his son Qi with his father-in-law before embarking on a mission aboard the Navigation Platform International Space Station.
Seventeen years later, Peiqiang is set to return to Earth. Qi, now an adult, plans a risky adventure with his foster sister Han Duoduo and their friend Tim. After a series of events, they find themselves on a mission to repair one of the Earth Engines in Hangzhou, facing challenges and loss along the way.
As Earth approaches Jupiter, a grave threat emerges. The group must make tough decisions and race against time to avert disaster. With the help of others, they attempt a daring plan to save Earth from a collision course with Jupiter, leading to a heart-wrenching sacrifice and a narrow escape from destruction.
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