Attorney Frank Galvin, known as an alcoholic ambulance chaser, receives a medical malpractice case from his former partner Mickey Morrissey. The case involves a woman who choked on her vomit during childbirth at a Catholic hospital, resulting in a coma. The plaintiff’s aim to use the settlement to cover her medical expenses.
Despite a $210,000 settlement offer, Galvin opts for a trial. He faces challenges such as a skilled legal team led by the hospital’s attorney Ed Concannon and witness credibility issues.
During the trial, Galvin discovers crucial evidence from a former nurse, Kaitlin Costello, who reveals the negligence by the anesthesiologist. Despite setbacks, Galvin delivers a compelling closing argument.
The jury rules in favor of the plaintiffs, leading to a surprising outcome. Galvin receives a call from Laura, but he chooses not to answer, symbolizing his new direction in life.
Witness the intense legal drama unfold in “The Verdict Online Full Movie.” Watch as Frank Galvin fights against all odds to seek justice in a system plagued by corruption and deceit.