Noah Griffith, an unemployed college student living in New Jersey, steps in to babysit the Pedulla children after a last-minute cancellation leaves their parents in need of help.
As Noah takes on the babysitting role, he faces challenges with each child’s unique personality and behavior, leading to unexpected twists and turns throughout the night.
Marisa, Noah’s friend, introduces a dangerous situation when she asks for drugs, setting off a chain of events involving a stolen dinosaur egg filled with cocaine and a dangerous drug dealer named Karl.
With the children in tow, Noah navigates a high-stakes situation that puts their safety on the line as they attend a bat mitzvah in pursuit of money to settle a debt with Karl.
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Despite setbacks and conflicts along the way, Noah faces off against Karl in a thrilling car chase that ultimately leads to a surprising turn of events, securing the safety of the children and resolving the night’s chaos.
As the night comes to an end, Noah learns valuable lessons about responsibility, friendship, and acceptance, culminating in a heartwarming conclusion that showcases growth and new beginnings for all involved.
Experience the hilarious and heartwarming journey of “The Sitter” online now, filled with laughter, adventure, and unexpected moments that will keep you entertained from start to finish.