In 1919, the story begins at a Chicago country club where Elliott Templeton, an expatriate who has spent years in France, returns to the United States. His visit is primarily to see his niece, Isabel, who is engaged to Larry Darrell. Larry, a recent war veteran, has returned from serving as a pilot during the Great War, but he finds himself at a crossroads in life.
Despite his engagement to Isabel, Larry is troubled. He has no money and lacks the ambition to secure a stable future for them. When offered a job by the wealthy father of his friend Gray Maturin, who is also in love with Isabel, Larry declines. Instead, he prefers to live off his modest inheritance of $3,000 a year. Haunted by the death of a comrade who sacrificed himself for Larry, he is determined to seek the meaning of life. To this end, Larry and Isabel agree to postpone their marriage for a year, allowing him to travel to Paris to clear his mind.
In Paris, Larry immerses himself in the life of a student, seeking knowledge and understanding. After a year, Isabel and her mother visit him. Larry proposes to Isabel, but she cannot accept a life of poverty and breaks off their engagement. Isabel later marries Gray, securing the elite social status she desires. Meanwhile, Larry’s childhood friend, Sophie Nelson, and her boyfriend Bob MacDonald welcome a baby named Linda into their lives.
As Larry works in a coal mine in France, he encounters Kosti, a defrocked priest who encourages him to travel to India to learn from a mystic. This journey leads Larry to a monastery in the Himalayas, where he studies under a holy man. During this time, he experiences a moment of enlightenment on a mountaintop, where the holy man advises him to return to his people while maintaining an awareness of the world’s infinite beauty and the divine.
Back in Paris, Isabel and her family are living with Elliott after suffering financial ruin due to the stock market crash of 1929. Elliott, having “sold short” before the crash, has profited significantly. Writer W. Somerset Maugham arranges a lunch for Elliott and his household to meet Larry, reigniting old connections.
While visiting a disreputable bar in the Rue de Lappe, Larry encounters Sophie, who has fallen into a life of addiction and despair. Isabel and Gray inform Larry that Sophie lost her husband Bob and daughter Alice in a tragic car accident. They express their decision to distance themselves from Sophie due to her destructive behavior. However, Larry feels compelled to reconnect with her and eventually announces their engagement to Isabel.
Desperate to keep Larry in her life, Isabel invites everyone to lunch at the Ritz. There, the waiter convinces Elliott to indulge in some Persovka, and Isabel arranges to meet Sophie for a fitting of a wedding dress. During their meeting, memories of Sophie’s children resurface, leading to a poignant moment. However, after Isabel leaves to fetch her daughter, Sophie succumbs to temptation and drinks excessively.
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Larry, concerned for Sophie, searches the bars and dives of Paris, eventually tracking her to an opium den. In a moment of panic, Sophie runs away, and tragically, a year later, she is found murdered in Toulon. This event deeply affects Larry, who grapples with the consequences of their choices.
As the story unfolds, Maugham and Larry visit Elliott on his deathbed in Nice. Elliott shares his plans to settle his family’s debts and rebuild their business after his passing. Following Elliott’s death, Isabel learns that Larry intends to leave that night, planning to work his way back to the United States on a tramp steamer. In a moment of vulnerability, Isabel confesses her love for Larry, but he reveals that he believes Sophie is where she wanted to be, with her family.
Isabel struggles to comprehend Larry’s desires and feels she has lost him. Maugham attempts to console her, suggesting that Larry has discovered what many seek but never find. The story concludes with Larry on the deck of a storm-tossed ship, hoisting cargo in the rain, symbolizing his ongoing journey of self-discovery.