The movie “The Perfect Score” follows the story of high school students Kyle, Matty, Francesca, Anna, Desmond, and Roy as they aim for a perfect score on the SAT to secure their futures.
Kyle dreams of attending Cornell University’s architecture program, while Matty wants to impress his girlfriend with a good score. Francesca, Anna, and Desmond also have their reasons for needing a high SAT score.
When they discover that Francesca’s father’s building houses the SAT answers, the group hatches a plan to steal the answers. Despite initial setbacks, they execute the heist successfully with Roy’s technical skills.
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As they prepare to use the stolen answers for the exam, a change of heart leads them to abandon cheating. Each character finds a way to achieve their dreams through hard work and honesty.
Watch “The Perfect Score” for a tale of friendship, self-discovery, and the importance of integrity in achieving success.