In 1985, a renowned exorcist successfully contained a terrifying demon within a mysterious ouija board. Believing the board to be a harmless game, his son disregarded the rules and inadvertently released the malevolent entity. To protect his son, the exorcist sent him away until the demon could be vanquished. Three decades later, following the exorcist’s passing, his grandson stumbles upon the same ouija board and repeats the same fatal mistake. Now, the ancient evil has returned, haunting and tormenting those involved in its initial containment.
The legacy of the exorcist’s family is marred by the dark presence that has lingered for generations. Despite attempts to contain and destroy the demon, it continues to seek vengeance and spread fear among the living.
As the grandson unwittingly unleashes the demon once more, chaos ensues. The malevolent entity preys on the vulnerable and seeks retribution against those who imprisoned it long ago. Can the family break the curse and put an end to the terror?
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