James “Jimmy” Cuervo, recently released on parole, plans to start a new life with his girlfriend Lily in Lake Ravasu. However, their plans are disrupted by the sinister actions of a Satanic biker gang led by Luc “Death” Crash and Lola Byrne. The town’s pastor Harold and local cop Tanner also oppose Jimmy’s presence.
Luc and Lola, along with their associates “Pestilence”, “Famine” and “War”, murder Jimmy and Lily in a ritualistic sacrifice. The Crow appears and brings Jimmy back to life, granting him invincibility. Blamed for Lily’s death, Jimmy seeks revenge on those responsible.
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As Luc and Lola plan to complete a ritual at an abandoned Catholic church, a showdown ensues with Jimmy, Tanner, Harold, and others. A violent encounter culminates in Jimmy facing off against Luc, who is possessed by Lucifer himself. With the help of the Crow’s power, Jimmy emerges triumphant.
In a final confrontation at the graveyard, Jimmy puts an end to Luc’s evil plans by defeating him. Lola’s misguided attempts at redemption fail, leading to her capture by Tanner. Jimmy and Lily find solace in the afterlife, finally at peace.
Watch the thrilling saga of The Crow: Wicked Prayer unfold online now and witness Jimmy’s journey of vengeance and redemption.