The story revolves around the Puccio family from Buenos Aires, who engaged in a series of kidnappings in the 1980s, resulting in multiple murders and a web of deceit and betrayal.
The Puccios were seen as a typical middle-class family, but behind closed doors, they conducted heinous crimes to maintain their financial status and climb the social ladder.
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Arquímedes, the patriarch, decides to delve into kidnapping for ransom, using his son Alejandro to facilitate the abductions by targeting acquaintances and friends.
As the family’s criminal activities escalate, internal strife and external pressures lead to their eventual capture by the authorities, resulting in media frenzy and their infamous reputation as the “Puccio Clan.”
The film concludes with the aftermath of the family’s actions, detailing the fates of each member and the lasting impact of their crimes. Watch The Clan Online Full Movie to unravel the full story of this notorious criminal family.