Following on from the events of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya television series, the story takes place in December. The SOS Brigade, led by Haruhi Suzumiya, makes plans to have a nabe party for Christmas. However, on the morning of December 18, Kyon arrives at school and finds that the nature of his reality has changed; Haruhi and Itsuki Koizumi are missing, Ryoko Asakura has mysteriously returned, Mikuru Asahina does not recognize him and Yuki Nagato is an ordinary human. Only Kyon is aware that everything is different, and no one else remembers Haruhi or the SOS Brigade.
Searching the SOS Brigade clubroom, Kyon finds a bookmark left by Yuki before everything was changed, telling him to gather “keys” to run a program. Not knowing what the message means, he accepts a dinner invitation from the new Yuki, who reveals a fondness for him because, in this reality, he once helped her get a library card. Asakura prepares dinner for them, and warns Kyon to be mindful of Yuki’s feelings.
On December 20, Kyon learns from Taniguchi that Haruhi still exists, and simply went to a different high school; Taniguchi knows of her because they went to the same middle school. By revealing his identity to her as ‘John Smith’, an alias he used when he traveled back in time to assist a young Haruhi, Kyon convinces Haruhi of his story. Excited by the concept of the SOS Brigade, Haruhi assembles the club’s members and brings them to the club room. These prove to be the required “keys” for Yuki’s program.
Kyon activates the program, which sends him back in time to the Tanabata of three years ago. The adult Mikuru meets with him and takes him to the past Yuki, who says that in the early hours of December 18 Yuki stole Haruhi’s powers from her and used them to alter the world such that no paranormal beings or powers exist. She attributes her actions to an accumulation of errors, which Kyon interprets as weariness from having to monitor Haruhi’s behavior and protect Kyon. Yuki gives Kyon an uninstall program which needs to be shot at her right after the change. Traveling to December 18, they find Yuki. Kyon reflects on his choice to undo the change, reaching the epiphany that he enjoys being with Haruhi Suzumiya and the SOS Brigade and thinks the world is more interesting and fun with paranormal beings in it. He tries to install the program into Yuki but is stabbed by Ryoko, who Yuki altered to be her personal bodyguard and perceives Kyon as a threat to Yuki.
He is rescued by future counterparts of Yuki, Mikuru and himself, and wakes up on December 21 in a hospital. The world is back to normal, but Kyon has been in a coma since falling down the stairs on December 18. Yuki mentions to Kyon that the Data Integration Thought Entity is considering decommissioning her, since continued accumulation of errors is inevitable and will likely lead to further destructive behavior. Kyon tells her to let them know that if they ever try such a thing, he can tell Haruhi about him being John Smith and have her alter reality so aliens would cease to exist. As December 24 comes, Kyon postpones going back in time to save himself from Asakura and joins in on the Christmas party.
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