The film “Stoned” delves into the mysterious death of Brian Jones, founding member of The Rolling Stones. The story revolves around the theory that Jones was murdered by Frank Thorogood, a builder hired to work on his house in East Sussex. However, a surprising twist unfolds when Jones returns as a ghost, thanking his chauffeur Tom Keylock for his transformation into an immortal martyr.
Throughout the movie, viewers witness Jones’s descent into a world of alcohol and drug abuse, leading to his alienation from his bandmates and tumultuous relationships with Anita Pallenberg and Anna Wohlin. The film paints a haunting portrait of a talented musician plagued by inner demons.
As the plot unfolds, the audience is taken on a journey through Jones’s final days, exploring the events leading up to his untimely demise. Suspicions arise, secrets are revealed, and the truth behind Jones’s death is finally uncovered.
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Experience the gripping tale of “Stoned” as it unravels the mysteries surrounding Brian Jones’s tragic end. Watch online now and immerse yourself in the captivating world of this historical fiction masterpiece.