In the enchanting kingdom of Lumbria, Princess Ellian faces a challenging situation. Her parents, King Solon and Queen Ellsmere, were transformed into feral monsters after a fateful journey into the Dark Forest of Eternal Darkness. Unable to reverse the curse, Ellian’s royal advisors, Ministers Bolinar and Nazara Prone, suggest she takes on the role of Queen when she turns 15.
Desperate to save her parents, Ellian seeks the help of the divine Oracles, Sunny and Luno. However, the monster King and Queen scare off the Oracles, leaving behind a mystical device known as “The Fob.” When Ellian accidentally releases her parents, chaos ensues in the kingdom, forcing her to use the Fob’s powers to evade capture and reach the Oracles for a solution.
Guided by Sunny and Luno, Ellian learns that only her parents can break the curse by visiting the Lake of Light. Along the way, King Solon and Queen Ellsmere rediscover their humanity, while Bolinar undergoes a transformation of his own after experiencing life as Ellian’s pet rodent, Flink.
As they face the dark magic threatening to consume them, the family must confront their inner demons and make sacrifices to save each other. Through love and understanding, they find a way to break the curse and restore peace to the kingdom.
With the curse lifted, Solon and Ellsmere find a way to rule the kingdom separately while co-parenting Ellian. On her 16th birthday, surrounded by loved ones, Ellian embraces the changes in her life with grace and courage, knowing that her family’s bond will always remain strong.
Experience the magic and adventure of “Spell” by watching the online full movie now. Don’t miss out on this heartwarming tale of hope and love that will enchant and inspire you.