In Queens, teenage orphan El works in his late mother’s shoe store “Laces”, now run by his stepfather Trey, who overworks El instead of his stepbrothers Zelly and Stacy. El closes the store early to join his best friend and fellow sneakerhead Sami at the release of a new sneaker, where they meet a girl named Kira, who is impressed by El’s insight into people from looking at their shoes.
They miss the drop, but El shows Kira around his neighborhood, losing track of time as they fall for each other. El is forced to rush back the store without a way to contact Kira, and is grounded by Trey, to his stepbrothers’ delight. Kira returns home, and is revealed to be the daughter of sneaker mogul and former basketball star Darius King.
Inspired by El, Kira suggests that her older sister Liv’s shoe design is too “basic” and convinces their father to let her look for another original design before the upcoming SneakerCon. Learning Kira’s identity, Sami and El plan to sneak into King’s charity gala to find her. Overwhelmed by running the business alone, Trey has decided to sell the store, leading El to draw on memories of his mother and create a unique shoe design, with inspiration and help from the neighborhood.
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At the event, El’s custom-made shoes become the talk of the crowd, as Sami inadvertently spreads rumors that El is a sought-after independent designer. El reunites with Kira, who prepares to introduce him to her father as the designer everyone is talking about, but he and Sami are forced to flee at midnight. El loses one of his shoes on an escalator, which is found by Kira. Determined to track down the young mystery designer, Kira and Liv launch a viral campaign to find her “prince”.
One year later, El is in a relationship with Kira, and has transformed Laces into “El-evate”, his own sneaker store pushing new and creative designs for all of Queens. Watch Sneakerella Full Movie Online now and witness this heartwarming journey of love, redemption, and following your dreams.