In the captivating film “Simon of the Desert,” we follow the ascetic Simón, who has dedicated six years, six weeks, and six days to a life of solitude atop a small platform on a ten-foot-tall pillar in the heart of the desert. As the story unfolds, a diverse crowd of monks and peasants gathers around him, urging him to ascend to a much taller pillar erected by a wealthy family in gratitude for his miraculous healing of one of their own.
As Simón is led to the new pillar, the peasants call out for his assistance, and his aging mother approaches him, expressing her desire to be near him until her death. Simón compassionately allows her to stay but insists that he will not acknowledge her presence, fearing it may distract him from his prayers. The monks, eager to honor Simón, attempt to bestow holy orders upon him, but he humbly refuses, declaring himself an unworthy sinner.
Once atop the new pillar, Simón leads the crowd in the Lord’s Prayer. However, his moment of spiritual leadership is interrupted by a woman pleading for help for her husband, whose hands were severed as punishment for theft. In a display of divine power, Simón prays, and the man’s hands miraculously reappear. Yet, to Simón’s dismay, neither the man nor the onlookers express much gratitude, and the peasants soon depart, leaving only the monks behind to pray with him. Their devotion wanes when Simón chastises one monk for casting his gaze upon a woman passing by with a jug, ultimately leaving Simón and his mother alone in the vast desert.
Brother Matías, a young monk, brings Simón lettuce and water, interrupting his prayers. Frustrated by the intrusion, Simón struggles with his physical desires, yearning for the earth and the embrace of his mother. In a moment of temptation, The Devil, disguised as a young girl from a future time, appears to Simón, attempting to seduce him. However, Simón resists her advances by appealing to Christ, banishing her from his presence.
During a prayer session focused on asceticism, Brother Trifón disrupts Simón, claiming to have discovered cheese, bread, and wine in Simón’s food sack. Simón chooses not to defend himself, and Trifón, in a fit of rage, confesses to planting the food, denouncing Simón and the Church’s teachings. In a powerful moment, Simón exorcises Satan from Trifón, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to his faith. As the other monks carry Trifón back to the monastery, Simón advises them to keep Matías away until he matures, fearing the young monk is too close to the Devil’s temptations.
After eight years, eight months, and eight days atop the pillar, Satan returns, this time disguised as God. Initially flattered by her words, Simón soon realizes the deception when she suggests that he abandon his sacrifices to experience earthly pleasures. Firm in his resolve, Simón rejects her offer, deciding to stand on one leg as penance for his momentary lapse in judgment.
A monk who had previously gazed at the woman seeks Simón’s forgiveness and blessing, warning him of the approaching Antichrist and the conflicts that plague humanity due to its obsession with ownership. The monk expresses concern that Simón has become disconnected from the world, but Simón blesses him, reinforcing his commitment to his ascetic life.
In a surreal twist, a coffin slides across the desert toward Simón’s pillar, and Satan emerges, transporting him to a bustling 1960s nightclub filled with a live rock band. Dressed in modern attire, Simón observes the energetic dance known as “Radioactive Flesh.” Despite the vibrant atmosphere, Simón remains disinterested, questioning the nature of the dance. As a man invites Satan to join him, Simón decides to return to his pillar, but Satan insists he must “stick it out till the end.”
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As the story of “Simon of the Desert” unfolds, viewers are invited to explore themes of faith, temptation, and the struggle between the spiritual and the earthly. This thought-provoking film challenges us to reflect on our own beliefs and the distractions that