Aman Tripathi, an advertiser from a traditional middle-class family in Allahabad, faces a dilemma when his family plans to marry him off to a family friend’s daughter, Kusum Nigam. Aman, who lives with his boyfriend Kartik Singh in Delhi, struggles to navigate the expectations of his conservative parents, Sunaina and Shankar.
At Goggle’s wedding, Aman and Kartik’s relationship is put to the test as they confront societal norms and family pressure. A public display of affection leads to a series of unexpected events, including Goggle’s suicide attempt and Aman’s forced engagement to Kusum.
As the wedding day approaches, Aman’s family grapples with personal revelations and societal expectations. The Supreme Court’s decision to decriminalize homosexuality adds a new layer of complexity to the unfolding drama. Aman and Kartik’s love is put to the ultimate test as they confront their families and societal prejudice.
In a heartfelt moment of acceptance and understanding, Aman and Kartik’s love triumphs as they stand united against all odds. Through a series of unexpected events and personal growth, the family learns the true meaning of love, acceptance, and self-discovery. The journey towards happiness and freedom is filled with challenges, but ultimately leads to a place of love and understanding.
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