Set in an unnamed prison in New York City, Short Eyes follows the story of Clark Davis, a young, middle-class white man accused of a heinous crime. The inmates, mostly African American or Puerto Rican, quickly turn against him as child rapists are the most despised in prison. However, Juan, an older prisoner, shows him some kindness in this harsh environment. “Short eyes” is the term used for a prisoner convicted of child sex abuse.
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Davis claims he doesn’t remember the crime he’s accused of, but he confesses to Juan about his disturbing past with other children. With a weak case against him, Davis’s fate lies in Juan’s hands. Will Juan do the right thing and expose Davis, or will he keep his secrets to himself?
As tensions escalate within the prison walls, the other inmates plot against Davis, seeing him as a threat that needs to be eliminated. Juan is torn between his moral duty and the consequences of his actions. The atmosphere becomes increasingly volatile as the clock ticks down for Davis.
Short Eyes is a gripping tale of survival, morality, and the harsh realities of prison life. Watch the full movie to experience the intensity of the human condition in its rawest form.