In a raging snowstorm five days before Christmas, two young people meet by chance: Lisa, 19, pregnant and scared, and Brad, a professional snowboarder.
In a raging blizzard five days before Christmas, Lisa and Brad find themselves stranded as the storm catches up with them. Brad’s car slams into a snowbank, forcing them to seek shelter at the only structure nearby: the Rosemont Lodge.
Once a vibrant year-round resort, the Rosemont Lodge has been closed for nearly 20 years. Josephine, the bitter owner, and Abe, the caretaker, reluctantly welcome Brad and Lisa into the desolate lodge. Over the next several days, their lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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They contend with the harrowing birth of Lisa’s baby, the discovery of her past, and the blossoming romance between Lisa and Brad. Amidst it all, a connection forms between Josephine and Lisa, rooted in the tragedy of Josephine’s own past, offering hope for their intertwined futures.
Stranded in a blizzard, a pregnant teenager and a snowboarder find refuge at Rosemont Lodge. As pasts are unearthed, new romances kindle, and hope is discovered, the heart of the lodge and their own futures are reawakened.
Don’t miss out on this heartwarming tale of Christmas at Rosemont. Watch the movie now and experience the journey of hope, healing, and new beginnings.