A white-collar suburban father named Kyle (Fran Kranz) receives an unexpected visit at his office from his long-lost college friend, Zack (Adam Goldberg). Zack, still as wild and crazy as ever, is excitedly talking about a self-actualization program he recently completed called Rebirth.
Intrigued by Zack’s enthusiasm, Kyle agrees to join him on a weekend-long Rebirth retreat. As part of the experience, Kyle surrenders his keys, wallet, and phone, unsure of what lies ahead.
What follows is a surreal journey for Kyle, filled with psychodrama, seduction, and unexpected violence. The retreat takes him down a strange rabbit hole where reality blurs, and he must confront his innermost fears and desires.
Experience the gripping story of Kyle’s journey through the Rebirth program by watching the full movie online today. Immerse yourself in this thrilling tale of self-discovery and transformation that will leave you questioning what it truly means to find oneself.
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Don’t miss your chance to watch Rebirth online now and witness Kyle’s transformative experience firsthand. Prepare to be captivated from start to finish as you delve into the intriguing world of self-actualization and personal growth.
Experience the excitement, mystery, and intensity of Rebirth by watching the full movie online today. Discover the power of self-discovery and the journey towards true rebirth.