Grimm, a burnt out individual in New York City, is desperate to leave his miserable life behind. In a bold move, he dresses as a clown and robs a bank with his girlfriend Phyllis and best friend Loomis. Their successful heist nets them $1 million, but their escape proves to be a series of hilarious misadventures.
Seeking the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway to reach the airport, the trio faces obstacles as signs have been removed during construction. They find themselves lost in an unfamiliar Brooklyn neighborhood. Things take a turn for the worse when they are robbed by a thug, leaving them with only the stolen money taped to their bodies.
After changing their clothes, they encounter a paranoid tenant and a fire across the street. A series of unfortunate events involving a fire truck, a runaway car, and a cab ride with a foreign driver unfold. Loomis’s impulsive actions only add to the chaos, leading to more complications.
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As they navigate through the city, they face encounters with an anal-retentive bus driver, mobsters, and Phyllis’s surprise announcement of her pregnancy. Meanwhile, Chief Rotzinger relentlessly pursues them, adding to the tension and humor of their predicament.
In a surprising turn of events at the airport, a meeting between the robbers and the chief leads to a twist involving a major crime boss. Chief Rotzinger’s pursuit culminates in a comedic showdown as the robbers make their escape.
Experience the hilarious journey of Grimm, Phyllis, and Loomis in “Quick Change.” Watch as their daring escape unfolds in unexpected ways. Don’t miss out on the fun – watch “Quick Change” now for free and enjoy the laughter and excitement of their misadventures!