The story of Premam begins in the year 2000, where Vikram (Naga Chaitanya) finds himself smitten by Suma (Anupama Parameswaran), a girl who captures the hearts of many in their area. Despite his shy nature, Vikram musters up the courage to express his feelings through a love letter. However, Suma’s strict father poses a challenge, leading Vikram to enlist the help of a young neighbor to deliver the letter.
As Suma reciprocates Vikram’s feelings and seeks his assistance to communicate with her true love, Vikram selflessly supports her, unaware of her existing relationship. Despite warnings from loved ones, Vikram’s unwavering affection for Suma shines through.
Fast forward to 2005, and Vikram finds himself in college, embracing a more rebellious persona alongside friends Vasu and Siva. After a series of clashes and misadventures, Vikram crosses paths with Sithara, a lecturer who captures his heart. As their relationship blossoms, unforeseen obstacles test their bond, ultimately leading to a poignant separation.
Years later, Vikram has established himself as a renowned chef, still haunted by memories of lost love. However, a chance encounter with Sindhu reignites his belief in second chances, culminating in a touching love story that defies all odds.
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As Vikram navigates the complexities of love and loss, he learns valuable lessons in forgiveness and acceptance. Amidst unexpected reunions and profound revelations, Vikram’s journey towards self-discovery culminates in a heartwarming union that transcends past heartaches.
With each twist and turn, Premam reminds us of the enduring power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. Experience the emotional rollercoaster of Vikram’s life, filled with poignant moments and profound realizations.