Todd Anderson, a salesman for a Seattle novelty products company, finds himself in a predicament when his department is outsourced to India. Reluctantly, Todd embarks on a journey to train his Indian replacement, Puro, after realizing that quitting would jeopardize his stock options.
Upon arriving in India, Todd faces cultural differences and struggles to communicate with the call center employees at Gharapuri. Despite being initially frustrated and referred to as “Mr. Toad,” Todd perseveres in his efforts to meet American customer expectations, aiming to improve the Minutes-per-Incident (MPI) metric.
During the festival of Holi, Todd experiences a shift in perspective and begins to see the value of his time in India. As the MPI gradually improves, he identifies a promising employee, Asha, and offers her a new role within the company. Todd also works to enhance the workplace environment by implementing a rewards program for the call center employees.
However, a shipment mishap leads Todd and Asha to an unexpected adventure on an island. Despite their differences and misunderstandings, they develop a deeper connection during their time together. As the call center faces a new challenge with the impending shift to China, Todd must confront difficult decisions regarding the future of his colleagues.
Ultimately, Todd embraces the changes in his personal and professional life, drawing inspiration from the resilience of the call center employees. As he navigates the complexities of relationships and responsibilities, Todd realizes the importance of family and meaningful connections.
As the story concludes, Todd reflects on his experiences in India and the impact they have had on his perspective. Encouraging readers to watch the movie “Outsource” to witness the transformative journey, Todd’s story highlights the power of adaptation, growth, and the unexpected connections that shape our lives.