A gripping retelling of the infamous Norbourg scandal of 2005, Norbourg Full Movie delves into the dark depths of corporate corruption. François Arnaud embodies the role of Vincent Lacroix, the mastermind behind the financial fraud, while Vincent-Guillaume Otis portrays the complicit vice-president, Éric Asselin.
As the inspector of finance assigned to monitor Norbourg’s activities, Éric Asselin is initially captivated by Vincent Lacroix’s daring schemes. Succumbing to the allure of power and wealth, Asselin abandons his morals and joins forces with Lacroix in a cascade of deceit and embezzlement, leading to the disappearance of millions of dollars.
Experience the tension and suspense as Norbourg unfolds the intricate web of lies and betrayal that engulfed the company. Follow the gripping journey of Vincent Lacroix and Éric Asselin as they navigate the treacherous waters of greed and deception, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
Don’t miss out on the riveting tale of Norbourg’s downfall. Watch Norbourg Full Movie now and witness firsthand the shocking events that shook the financial world to its core. Experience the intrigue, betrayal, and ultimate reckoning in this gripping cinematic masterpiece.