One night, Caleb Colton, a young man in a small town, encounters an intriguing young drifter named Mae. Just before sunrise, she bites him on the neck and disappears into the night. The rising sun causes Caleb’s flesh to smoke and burn, revealing Mae’s dark secret.
Mae returns with a group of roaming vampires in an RV and takes Caleb away. The group’s leader, Jesse Hooker, agrees to let Caleb stay with them to learn their ways. Caleb struggles with the group’s murderous actions, leading to tensions and conflicts.
Caleb’s father searches for Jesse’s group, leading to a tense confrontation. As Caleb’s family gets involved, a series of events unfold, including Caleb’s transformation reversal and violent clashes with the vampires.
In a final showdown, Caleb battles the vampires to protect his sister, Sarah. With intense action and sacrifices, the story reaches a dramatic conclusion as Caleb and Mae find solace in each other’s arms.
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