Velvet Brown, a twelve-year-old girl with a passion for horses, resides in Sewels, a quaint village in Sussex, England. Her life takes an exciting turn when she wins a horse named “The Pie” in a raffle and dreams of training him for the prestigious Grand National steeplechase. Meanwhile, a young drifter named Mi Taylor arrives at the Brown farm, carrying a connection to Mrs. Brown’s past.
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Despite Mi’s initial reluctance due to his past as a steeplechase jockey, Velvet convinces him to train The Pie for the Grand National. With the prize money from Mrs. Brown’s swimming victory across the English Channel, they cover the costs and embark on a journey of dedication and determination.
As the Grand National approaches, Velvet and Mi face challenges, including a skeptical professional jockey. However, when their faith in The Pie is tested, Velvet takes matters into her own hands and decides to race herself. The race unfolds with thrilling moments of triumph and heartbreak, ultimately leading to a surprising outcome.
After the race, Velvet’s bravery and determination captivate the media, bringing offers for fame and fortune. Despite the tempting opportunities, Velvet chooses a humble life for herself and The Pie, valuing their bond above all else. As Mi departs, Velvet shares a touching revelation about his father, bringing closure and understanding to their shared journey.
Experience the magic of National Velvet and witness the timeless story of a young girl, a horse, and their unbreakable bond. Follow Velvet and The Pie’s journey to the Grand National, filled with trials, triumphs, and the true meaning of courage. Watch National Velvet full movie online today and embark on an unforgettable adventure of determination and dreams.