“Mukhtiar Chadha” narrates the tale of a young Sikh boy who grapples with the loss of his father, attributing it to their impoverished circumstances. Determined to break free from the shackles of poverty, Mukhtiar embarks on a journey to amass wealth through unconventional means. His charismatic and humorous approach to business dealings endears him to all, but his ultimate goal remains overshadowed by the need to secure financial stability.
Surrounded by three loyal friends, each with their aspirations, Mukhtiar finds solace in camaraderie as they navigate the trials of youth. Amidst his pursuit of wealth, Mukhtiar strives to uplift his mother’s modest statue business and dreams of propelling it to greater heights. With his friends by his side, Mukhtiar delves into the world of property dealings and ventures into the stock market to amplify his earnings.
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As Mukhtiar’s college life unfolds, a blossoming romance with a neighbor paves the way for unexpected twists. Struggling academically, his love interest becomes a source of both financial gain and emotional entanglement. However, a clash with a menacing Mafia group alters the course of his life, leading to a series of personal and professional setbacks. In a harrowing turn of events, the Mafia’s destructive actions leave Mukhtiar reeling and ignite a fervor for retribution.
Driven by a desire for justice and retribution, Mukhtiar Chadha embarks on a mission to avenge his mother’s suffering and reclaim what was lost. Witness the riveting tale of love, friendship, and the pursuit of justice unfold in “Mukhtiar Chadha.” Watch the full movie online for free, only on Eros Now.