In the year 2092, humanity has achieved the impossible: the conquest of mortality. The world is captivated by the story of Nemo Nobody, the last mortal man, who is now 118 years old and nearing the end of his life. As he reflects on his past, psychiatrist Dr. Feldheim employs hypnosis to help Nemo recall the intricate details of his existence. A journalist also interviews him, leading to a fascinating exploration of his memories from three pivotal ages: 9, 15, and 34. Throughout these recollections, Nemo presents conflicting narratives, suggesting that his life has unfolded in multiple, divergent ways.
Nemo shares a profound belief that before birth, children possess knowledge of their entire lives. However, at the moment of conception, the so-called Angels of Oblivion erase this knowledge. Remarkably, Nemo claims that he was overlooked by these Angels, allowing him to “remember” various possible futures. This concept sets the stage for a complex narrative that intertwines love, loss, and the choices that define our lives.
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At the tender age of 9, Nemo faces a life-altering decision following his parents’ divorce: should he live with his mother or his father? In one timeline, he chooses to live with his mother, leading them to Montreal. As a teenager, he develops feelings for a girl named Anna. Their relationship takes a turn at the beach when Anna invites him to swim with her and her friends. Unfortunately, Nemo insults her friends, resulting in a rift that keeps them apart.
In an alternate timeline, Nemo confesses to Anna that he cannot swim, which leads to a deeper connection between them. As fate would have it, Anna’s father, Harry, marries Nemo’s mother, and the two step-siblings embark on a passionate affair, vowing to be together. However, when Harry and Nemo’s mother divorce, Anna moves to New York with her father, and the teenagers lose contact. Years later, they unexpectedly cross paths at a train station, instantly recognizing each other. After a brief but intense reunion, Anna expresses her uncertainty about a relationship and asks Nemo to meet her at a lighthouse, but he loses her number. Despite waiting at the lighthouse every day, Anna never arrives.
In yet another timeline, Nemo and Anna are married with children. However, tragedy strikes when Nemo loses control of his car, plunging into a lake and drowning, leaving behind a life filled with unfulfilled potential.
In a contrasting timeline, Nemo lives in England with his disabled father during his teenage years. He immerses himself in writing a science fiction story about a journey to Mars while falling in love with Elise, who is involved with a much older man named Stefano. A motorcycle accident leaves Nemo in a vegetative state, yet he remains aware of the world around him. He witnesses his parents’ reunion at his bedside and continues to imagine typing his story.
In another version of this timeline, Elise confesses her love for Stefano, but Nemo reassures her of his feelings, leading to their marriage. Tragically, on their wedding day, Elise dies in an explosion, and Nemo fulfills his promise by taking her ashes to Mars. On his return journey to Earth, he encounters Anna, but their ship is destroyed by asteroids, leading to yet another tragic outcome.
In a different scenario, one of Nemo’s coworkers at the television studio drowns in the lake, leaving behind a widow named Anna, who seems familiar to Nemo. In another timeline, Nemo and Elise have three children, but Elise’s struggles with borderline personality disorder and chronic depression lead her to leave Nemo for Stefano, despite his efforts to save their marriage.
Alternatively, after being rejected by Elise, a teenage Nemo resolves to marry the first girl who dances with him, who turns out to be Jean. Although they marry and have two sons, Nemo feels unfulfilled and decides to leave everything behind, putting all his assets in Jean’s name. He begins making decisions based on coin tosses, ultimately leading him to a hotel where he meets a tragic end at the hands of assassins.
As an adult, Nemo frequently awakens in a surreal world filled with argyle patterns. Following cryptic clues, he arrives at a dilapidated house equipped with a DVD player and television. In an interactive video, the 118-year-old version of Nemo reveals to his 34-year-old self that he exists in a universe where he was never born, and his consciousness is trapped in limbo. The older