“Mojin: The Worm Valley Watch Online” takes viewers on an exhilarating journey through perilous landscapes and ancient mysteries. In a story set thousands of years ago, the malevolent Princess Jingjue cast the Ghost Eye Curse upon her people. This curse would kill anyone afflicted once they reached forty, passing down through generations unless the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome and Mu Chen Orb were brought together. The former was retrieved in a previous adventure, but the Mu Chen Orb still needs to be found. As the tale unfolds, the adventure leads to one of the most dangerous places on earth: the Worm Valley.
Princess Jingjue’s curse is not just a weapon of mass destruction, but also a generational chain of torment. The only way to end this curse is to reunite the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome with the elusive Mu Chen Orb. Hu Bayi and Professor Sun, after deciphering much of the ancient text from the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome, determine the Mu Chen Orb is hidden in Emperor Xian’s Tomb, located in the ancient Longfeng Mountains of Yunnan Province. However, the journey will not be easy, and the group must face many dangers along the way.
Bayi, Professor Sun, Shirley Yang, and their companions set off for Yunnan. They seek the final translation of the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome from Chen Yukou, a reclusive scholar. However, Chen, tormented by regret, offers little help, warning them never to “look into its eyes.” Undeterred, the group embarks on their perilous journey, encountering various obstacles along the way. A deadly landslide introduces them to the dangerous witchcraft of Chongshu, where victims are infested with lethal insects and encased in stone. They also meet Cai Yun, a hotel manager, and her daughter Kong Que, who plays a crucial role in guiding the group further into the unknown.
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The journey through the Worm Valley, filled with deadly insects, carnivorous fish, and treacherous terrain, tests the group’s survival skills. Kong Que warns them that the valley will be filled with toxic gas at night, and they must reach the Floating Island to survive. After battling both giant armored lizards and time itself, they manage to reach safety, but their journey is far from over. The dangers of the Worm Valley are just the beginning.
After crossing through the Field of Skull Flowers, the group finds themselves in a cemetery guarded by the Deathless Crab of the Huo Clan. A fierce battle ensues, and Bayi manages to defeat the crab by attracting the carnivorous fish to devour the beast. But tragedy strikes as Zhou Linglong, one of their comrades, is fatally wounded during the battle. Her death weighs heavily on the group, but they honor her memory by setting her body adrift on the river where it will eventually return to where they first entered the valley.
Undeterred by Linglong’s death, Bayi and the remaining members of the group continue their quest. They ascend the Bone Ladder and reach the Golden Palace, where Emperor Xian’s Tomb awaits. However, the final leg of their journey is not without peril. A swarm of monstrous scorpions defends the Mu Chen Orb, and only after a grueling battle are they able to claim it. But when Bayi grabs the orb, the bells of the palace begin to toll, and the ground shakes, revealing the monstrous Snake King.
Shirley recalls Chen Yukou’s warning not to look into the Snake King’s eyes, but the group must now face this terrifying creature. Bayi devises a plan to use the Flamefly Queen, which Fatty has in his possession, to destroy the Snake King. However, the jar containing the Flamefly Queen is shattered in the ensuing battle, freeing the queen and drawing all the Flameflies to her. In a final act of bravery, Professor Sun returns to the scene, burning himself alive to carry the Flameflies into the mouth of the Snake King, effectively destroying it from the inside.
Though the Snake King is defeated, the consequences are dire. The mountain crumbles, unleashing a massive flood that threatens the group. Bayi, Shirley, Fatty, and Gold Tooth mourn the death of their beloved Professor and flee. They retrieve Linglong’s body and return home, where they reunite the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome with the Mu Chen Orb. However, instead of lifting the curse, the reunion points them to a new adventure, hinting that the journey is far from over.
Don’t miss out on the thrilling adventure of “Mojin: The Worm Valley Watch Online.” As Bayi and his team journey through ancient tombs, face mystical creatures, and confront terrifying supernatural forces, they push the limits of courage and friendship. Join them on their incredible journey to lift the curse and uncover even deeper secrets. Watch now and experience the thrilling world of Mojin: The Worm Valley!