The captivating story of “Mixed by Erry Full Movie” unfolds between the late 1970s and the early ’90s in the vibrant neighborhood of Forcella, Naples. The narrative centers around three brothers—Enrico, Peppe, and Angelo Frattasio—who navigate life in modest conditions, shaped by their father’s unconventional smuggling of tea disguised as whiskey.
Enrico, the eldest brother, harbors a deep passion for music and dreams of becoming a DJ. However, his shyness and lack of confidence hold him back from pursuing this dream. Instead, he finds solace in creating music compilations on audiocassette for friends and local customers, utilizing the tape recorders at the electrical appliance store where he works.
As the store closes, Enrico takes a bold step to transform his hobby into a legitimate business. He opens a small shop named “Mixed by Erry,” where he crafts personalized music cassettes for the local community. This venture marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey for the Frattasio brothers.
With the support of his brother Peppe, Enrico seeks a loan from a local boss to invest in high-tech audio recorders. These devices enable them to produce a large volume of original cassettes quickly. Their brother Angelo, who has connections in the criminal underworld, helps them navigate the challenges posed by Moroccan gangsters who threaten their burgeoning business.
Through determination and strategic maneuvering, the Frattasios gain the upper hand, establishing multiple laboratories where they mix thousands of audiocassettes. They exploit the black market to sell their products throughout Italy, leading to a surge in popularity and wealth.
As the Frattasios’ business flourishes, their pirate brand name “Mixed by Erry” becomes a household name, attracting the attention of a Camorra boss who seeks to take over their operations. However, the boss meets his demise in the violent mob wars of the 1980s, allowing the brothers to continue their success.
Meanwhile, Captain Ricciardi of the Guardia di Finanza becomes aware of the Frattasios’ dealings and sets out to dismantle their operation. In response, the brothers formalize their company and create satellite businesses to launder their profits. They also strike a lucrative deal with Arturo Barambani, the managing director of an audio media company, for the exclusive supply of blank cassette tapes, leading to a unique friendship.
As Ricciardi’s investigation stalls, Enrico cleverly diverts attention by attending the 1991 Sanremo Music Festival, hoping to uncover the mole that allows them to release festival compilations ahead of schedule. During this time, “Mixed by Erry” emerges as Italy’s leading record label by revenue, prompting record companies to seek ways to eliminate the competition.
Barambani, feeling the pressure, urges the Frattasios to shut down their business and enjoy their wealth. When they refuse, he betrays them, collaborating with Ricciardi to orchestrate their arrest and the confiscation of their assets.
Following their arrest, the Frattasios find themselves in prison. However, Enrico receives a tip about their hidden money, buried in a secret location, which they plan to reclaim upon their release. Yet, news of the impending transition from the lira to the euro complicates their plans.
After five years, the brothers are released from prison, only to discover that they must take on menial jobs and close the “Mixed by Erry” company. Their dreams of grandeur seem to have faded, but the bond between the brothers remains strong.
In a surprising twist revealed in the scene after the credits, it becomes clear that there was no “Sanremo mole.” Instead, their parents had recorded the festival broadcasts at home, inadvertently contributing to the brothers’ success. The story of “Mixed by Erry Full Movie” is a testament to ambition, family ties, and the unpredictable nature of life.
Don’t miss the chance to experience this incredible journey. Watch “Mixed by Erry Full Movie” and immerse yourself in the world of music, ambition, and the complexities of family dynamics.