In the chilling tale of Mine Games Full Movie Online, a woman awakens in a van, haunted by a nightmare involving a mine. A voice screams for “Michael,” and frantic fingers scrabble beneath a door. The van is parked at a gas station, where a newspaper ominously announces a “couple found murdered in RV.” This van belongs to a group of seven friends—Michael, Lyla, TJ, Claire, Lex, Rose, and Guy—who are on their way to a secluded cabin in the woods for a vacation with their friends Matt and Sarah.
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As Michael drives through the dark, he becomes disoriented and swerves to avoid a mysterious figure in the road, resulting in a crash that forces the group to continue their journey on foot. They eventually arrive at a well-furnished cabin, where Rose discovers a note instructing “TJ, Lex, Claire” to wait for them, leading them to believe they have arrived at the right place.
The group settles into the cabin, enjoying their time together, except for Michael, who goes to bed early, plagued by nightmares of murdering their friends Matt and Sarah. That night, the cabin’s owners, who had gotten lost, meet a grim fate in their camper.
The following morning, TJ stumbles upon an abandoned mine nearby and convinces the group to explore it. In a moment of jest, TJ and Guy lock Michael inside an enclosed cell, triggering a panic within him. Rose, who possesses psychic abilities, feels an unsettling presence in the mine, sensing someone grabbing her leg, though it cannot be one of her friends.
Michael and Lyla return to the van to retrieve his anti-psychotic medication, essential for managing his schizophrenia. Upon arrival, they find the van door ajar and blood on the fender, leading them to believe they may have hit an animal the previous night. Back at the cabin, the group decides to stay an extra day, hoping to wait for the owners to return.
As the day progresses, Rose experiences disturbing visions of her friends in various states of death and injury, while Michael continues to dream about the mine. During another exploration of the mine, TJ and Lex discover three dead bodies that eerily resemble themselves and Guy. They share their findings with the group, who reluctantly acknowledges the possibility of supernatural occurrences.
In a desperate search for answers, TJ and Lex return to the mine and find a traumatized Claire locked inside a cell, claiming that Michael is responsible. Despite her pleas, they refuse to rescue her, believing that “their” Claire is still safe in the house. This decision is later supported by Claire herself. Tensions rise as the group debates whether to confine Michael overnight for their safety. Ultimately, they decide to lock him in a cell, unnerved by his passive acceptance of his fate.
Michael manages to escape from the cell, leading to a frantic chase within the mine. In the chaos, he inadvertently causes the deaths of TJ and Lex and locks Claire inside a cell, where she encounters an alternate version of herself. Meanwhile, Rose meets a tragic end, either from poison or shock. Guy and Lyla decide to flee, leaving a note for “TJ, Lex, Claire” to wait for them in the house.
As they reach the main road, Guy attempts to flag down an oncoming van, only for it to swerve and hit Lyla. In a shocking twist, Guy recognizes the occupants of the van as themselves from the previous night, realizing they are trapped in a causality loop. He vows to break the cycle for the seriously injured Lyla.
Guy rushes back to the house to warn the others but is intercepted by Michael, who kills him, along with Matt and Sarah, whose RV he encounters. In a moment of eerie foresight, Michael warns his past self that his friends will attempt to kill him. He instructs his past self to defend against being locked in the cell again, handing over the key and later forcing him to destroy his anti-psychotic medication.
The cycle restarts as the group’s van arrives at the gas station, mirroring the film’s beginning. However, this time, Lyla from the previous cycle is still alive, and she approaches her counterpart, creating a chilling moment of surprise.