Follow the journey of two inexperienced young men as they navigate through dangerous situations in search of a better life. Freddy and Marvin are determined to achieve their dreams of wealth and luxury through a life of crime and mischief.
Starting out with big ambitions, Freddy and Marvin believe that their ticket to success lies in committing illegal activities. Their misguided belief in a quick path to riches leads them down a treacherous road filled with unforeseen challenges.
As Freddy and Marvin attempt to execute simple crimes, their lack of experience lands them in hot water. Their failed schemes attract the attention of The Upholsterer, a feared antagonist who sends her henchmen Semo and Roy on a mission to capture the bumbling duo.
The ensuing chaos forces Freddy and Marvin to confront the harsh reality of their criminal lifestyle. With danger lurking around every corner, they must make difficult choices that will shape their futures.
Experience the thrill of Lowdown Dirty Criminals as Freddy and Marvin embark on a journey of self-discovery amidst chaos and uncertainty. Watch their story unfold for free and witness the consequences of their actions.
Don’t wait any longer – dive into the world of Lowdown Dirty Criminals and witness the highs and lows of a life filled with crime and deception. Watch Lowdown Dirty Criminals online for free now!