In Tokyo, Akiko (Rin Takanashi), a sociology student, leads a double life as a high-end escort. Her boyfriend, Noriaki (Ryō Kase), unaware of her secret job, becomes suspicious of her activities.
One evening, Akiko is sent to meet Takashi (Tadashi Okuno), an elderly ex-professor who shows more interest in cooking for her than in physical intimacy. The next morning, Takashi kindly offers to drive Akiko to her exams, where they unexpectedly run into Noriaki.
Noriaki mistakes Takashi for Akiko’s grandfather and asks for his blessing to marry her. Takashi, keeping up the facade, declines the proposal, adding to the brewing tension among the trio.
As they head to a bookstore, Noriaki spots a car issue and persuades Takashi to take it to his garage for repairs. During the visit, Akiko fears that Takashi’s former student will expose her secret life to Noriaki.
Upon dropping Akiko off, Takashi returns home but is soon summoned back to the bookstore by a distressed call from Akiko. He finds her injured but remains unaware of the cause. With Noriaki causing a scene outside, Takashi takes Akiko to his apartment for safety, where the situation escalates.
Noriaki continues his threats and aggressive behavior towards Takashi and Akiko. In a moment of chaos, an object flung through the window injures Takashi, leaving the situation unresolved and their fates uncertain.
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