The film opens with the titular Clutch Powers tunnelling underground in search of a crystal. The process wakes up the Crystal King, who chases Clutch to an underground base. Clutch finds a baby rock monster, which he realizes is the Crystal King’s child. Clutch gives it to him and the Crystal King gives him a crystal as a reward. Clutch returns to his base in Lego City and gives the crystal to his boss, Kjeld Playwell, who assigns him some new teammates: Brick Masterson, a firefighter, Peg Mooring, a biologist, and Bernie von Beam, an engineer.
Playwell informs them of an incident on the Space Police prison planet. Clutch and his team arrive on the planet and investigate the situation, despite their lack of cooperation. After seeing that someone is stuck in one of the prisoners’ cells, they are attacked by an unseen wizard. Clutch and his teammates free the Watch Commander, who removed the spark plugs of all ships to prevent the criminals from escaping. The criminals take the team’s ship and destroy the other ships.
Playwell orders Clutch and the team to capture Mallock the Malign on a medieval planet named Ashlar. The team manages to get to Ashlar, but their ship accidentally knocks down Lego-Henge. They take refuge in an abandoned medieval mine and witness Mallock’s stranglehold of Ashlar with his skeleton/goblin army. Clutch goes to convince Prince Varen to fight against Mallock while the team prepares for battle.
Eventually, Prince Varen, Hogar, and their knights join forces with Clutch and his team in their battle against Mallock. Varen faces his fear of Mallock and uses the golden sword to defeat him. With teamwork and determination, Clutch’s team and the knights celebrate their victory, with Varen being declared the new King of Ashlar.
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After transporting Mallock back to Lego City, Varen thanks Clutch and the team for their loyalty. Playwell congratulates them on their efforts and informs them that there is still a criminal on the loose. Encouraged by their newfound belief in teamwork, the team sets off on a new adventure to capture the criminal, Omega, with Clutch leading the way.
Don’t miss out on the action-packed adventure of Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers. Watch the full movie online now and witness Clutch and his team in action against the forces of evil!