Maximilian II, also known as Junior, rules a troubled nation with ignorance and cruelty, focusing on self-indulgence and controlling the country’s movie industry. His reign is marked by terrible action-adventure films and a reign of terror supported by his wife Josephine and anti-government terrorists.
John Thorne, a prisoner held under brutal conditions, gains respect from Joe, a prison guard, for his intellect and courage. Maximilian releases Thorne in a bid to control dissent, but Thorne’s actions lead to a violent revolution, culminating in the assassination of Maximilian and Josephine.
Thorne’s regime turns the nation into a totalitarian state, enforcing extreme measures like separating families, imposing veganism, banning action movies, and harsh re-education programs. Joe, initially hailed as a hero, refuses to support Thorne’s oppressive government and is sent to a re-education camp.
Thorne’s rule is marred by internal dissent, leading to his eventual downfall and the return of the old government. Joe, left abandoned in prison, faces a bleak future as his former colleagues deny their involvement in the atrocities of Thorne’s era.
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