The story revolves around Apple Annie (May Robson), a struggling fruit vendor in New York City. Her daughter Louise (Jean Parker) has been raised in a Spanish convent, believing her mother is a wealthy socialite named Mrs. E. Worthington Manville. Annie’s charade is threatened when Louise travels to New York with her fiancé and his father, leading to a series of events.
Among Annie’s customers is Dave the Dude (Warren William), a gangster who believes in Annie’s lucky apples. With the help of his henchman Happy McGuire (Ned Sparks) and nightclub owner Missouri Martin (Glenda Farrell), Annie undergoes a transformation to impress Louise. Henry D. Blake (Guy Kibbee) poses as Annie’s husband to maintain the façade.
As Louise’s arrival draws attention, suspicions arise about Mrs. E. Worthington Manville’s background. The disappearance of society reporters leads to accusations of police incompetence. A gala reception is planned to maintain the ruse, but when the police close in on Dave’s gang, Annie is left with a difficult decision.
Just as Annie is about to reveal the truth to Count Romero, a twist of fate intervenes. With the help of influential figures, Annie’s secret is preserved, allowing Louise to depart for Spain without learning the reality of her mother’s humble origins.
Experience the captivating tale of ‘Lady for a Day’ online in full, and witness the intricate web of deception and heartwarming moments unfold before your eyes.