Kabir Malhotra, a novelist seeking inspiration, moves to Kashmir and encounters Meera Sharma Dhanrajgir at a guesthouse. Meera, married to the ailing Jaidev Dhanrajgir, captivates Kabir with her mysterious aura. As Kabir grows closer to Meera, he unravels her dark secrets.
Strange apparitions, a Tantrik revealing Jaidev’s evil spirit, and a shocking revelation about Meera’s past keep Kabir on edge. Jaidev’s sinister plan to trap Meera in the house forever tests Kabir’s resolve to save her.
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Through a gripping showdown with Jaidev’s spirit, Kabir risks it all to free Meera from the cursed painting. In a triumphant moment, Kabir vanquishes Jaidev’s evil, bringing closure to their haunting ordeal.
Experience the chilling tale of love, betrayal, and redemption in “Khamoshiyan.” Watch the full movie now and immerse yourself in a world where spirits linger and love conquers all.