Jubal Troop (Glenn Ford) is a cowboy who finds himself in a precarious situation, without a horse, until he receives shelter at Shep Horgan’s (Ernest Borgnine) ranch. However, his presence sparks animosity with Pinky (Rod Steiger), a cattleman who accuses Jubal of smelling like sheep.
Despite the tensions, Horgan recognizes Jubal’s worth and offers him a permanent job, much to the chagrin of Pinky. Meanwhile, Mae (Valerie French), Horgan’s young wife, forms a connection with Jubal, leading to jealousy and deceit within the ranch.
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As Jubal navigates unwanted advances from Mae and develops feelings for Naomi (Felicia Farr), a member of a unique religious group, Pinky’s hostility intensifies. Lies and accusations culminate in a dramatic confrontation that changes the course of their fates.
When violence erupts and truths come to light, alliances shift, and justice prevails. Betrayals are exposed, leading to a climactic showdown that ultimately brings closure to the tumultuous events at Shep Horgan’s ranch.
Experience the gripping tale of loyalty and betrayal in “Jubal” as Jubal embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption amidst the rugged backdrop of the Wild West. Watch now for an unforgettable cinematic experience. Jubal Watch Free.