A group of college science students embark on a thrilling investigation to uncover the truth behind the urban legend of The Mole Man. This ex-patient is rumored to still reside within the eerie walls of the Black Grove Asylum, where mysterious disappearances have occurred.
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This group of dedicated science students have a unique goal in mind – to scientifically explain the inexplicable. Their mission is to present their groundbreaking findings to the school board and advocate for the creation of the first accredited parapsychology course at their university.
As they embark on their thirteenth and final investigation, the students find themselves at the infamous Black Grove Psychiatric Asylum. Here, they delve into the chilling urban legend of The Mole Man, a former patient of the asylum rumored to still haunt its shadowy corridors.
This thrilling feature film will introduce viewers to the enigmatic killer known as The Mole Man. Additionally, there are plans for an exciting spin-off series that will delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding Mole Man in sequels like Mole Man 2 and Mole Man 3.
Don’t miss out on the chance to witness the gripping tale of Investigation 13 and uncover the secrets of The Mole Man for yourself. Watch the full movie now and immerse yourself in a world of mystery and suspense.