In the gripping horror film “Howl,” the story begins with Alpha Trax train guard Joe Griffin, played by Ed Speleers, who is on an overnight shift aboard a passenger train scheduled to depart London at midnight. With the regular guard sick, Joe’s only solace is the chance to spend time with his unrequited love, the tea-trolley girl, Ellen, portrayed by Holly Weston. As the train travels through a heavy thunderstorm, a full moon ominously pierces the dark clouds, setting the stage for the terror that is about to unfold.
Just a few miles before reaching the final station, Eastborough, the train encounters a life-threatening situation when it hits a deer in a forested area. The driver is forced to make an emergency stop to assess the damage, only to find the dead deer stuck to the wheels. In a shocking turn of events, a nearby werewolf attacks and kills the driver, leaving the remaining passengers—Kate, Adrian, Matthew, Billy, Nina, Paul, and Ged with his wife Jenny—unaware of the lurking danger outside.
Frustrated by the lack of communication, the passengers learn that an emergency team cannot reach them due to downed trees along the line. They persuade Joe and Ellen to let them off the train to attempt to walk to Eastborough. However, their plans take a dark turn when Joe and Ellen discover the gruesome remains of the driver, prompting them to rush everyone back to the train. In the chaos, a werewolf bites Jenny’s leg before she is pulled to safety.
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As the passengers bandage Jenny’s wound, Joe attempts to call for help but receives no response. It soon becomes clear that none of them have cell phone reception due to a broken antenna on the train’s roof. Billy, an engineering student, realizes that the fuel lines are damaged and leaking, which must be repaired for the train to move again. Meanwhile, the werewolf tries to break into the cabin but is thwarted by the train’s sturdy construction.
As the tension escalates, the werewolf climbs onto the roof of the train, and Nina’s phone suddenly receives a signal. When she moves to a less secure area, the werewolf smashes through the window and drags her out, leaving the remaining passengers in a state of panic. They barricade themselves in another car, using the train’s power tools to reinforce the windows and doors with metal grates.
Tragedy strikes when Paul is killed after the werewolf manages to enter the car through the bathroom roof. The remaining passengers band together to fight the creature, ultimately killing it. However, Matthew recognizes the creature as a werewolf, leading Adrian to recall the terrifying truth: anyone bitten by a werewolf will become one. Despite objections, Adrian attempts to kill Jenny, who is showing signs of transformation. Joe intervenes, knocking Adrian unconscious and tying him up along with Jenny.
Unbeknownst to them, the werewolf’s death cries have alerted the rest of its pack. As Billy and Joe work to repair the train, Joe and Ellen monitor the console while Billy goes outside to fix the fuel lines. Matthew joins him for protection but is lured away by a voice calling for help, only to discover Nina being devoured by a werewolf. Tragically, he meets the same fate.
As the train begins to move again, the werewolf pack snatches Kate, leading to her demise. In a heartbreaking twist, Jenny fully transforms into a werewolf and kills her husband before attempting to attack Adrian. Joe bravely intervenes and kills Jenny, but the danger is far from over. The remaining werewolves manage to board the train, and in a desperate bid for survival, Adrian traps Joe and Ellen to make his escape.
Billy fights valiantly against the werewolves with torches but is ultimately killed. Joe and Ellen flee into the forest, pursued by the pack. Realizing they may not escape, Joe decides to stay behind and confront the werewolves, allowing Ellen to reach the nearest station safely. In a tragic turn of events, Joe fights bravely but is bitten by the chief werewolf, leading to his transformation.
As the story of “Howl” unfolds, viewers are taken on a heart-pounding journey filled with suspense, horror, and unexpected twists. The film masterfully combines elements of survival and the supernatural, making it a must-watch for horror enthusiasts. Don’t miss out on the