A young American college student embarks on a journey to India with her family for a week-long Indian wedding. This trip introduces her to a new style of dance and a young man who will change her life forever.
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Richard Andrews decides to take his family, including their college-student daughter Kelli, to India in an attempt to mend broken ties and find new experiences. Kelli, torn between her family’s expectations of studying law and her passion for dance, finds herself immersed in the vibrant culture of Bombay.
As Kelli and her friends delve into rehearsals for Bollywood-style dances, they encounter the charismatic dancing instructors Aseem Kapoor and DJ Basu. Their journey leads them to a nightclub where their musical aspirations take flight, blending Western influences with Indian rhythms.
Amidst conflicting desires, financial struggles, and unexpected romance, the week-long celebration unfolds with a whirlwind of emotions. With time running out before the Andrews family returns to L.A., decisions must be made that will impact their lives forever.
Heartbeats Full Movie fmovies captures the essence of love, dance, and self-discovery in a story that transcends borders and cultures.