During World War II, a Marine battalion prepares to land on a Japanese-held island in the Pacific. Lieutenant Colonel Gilfillan orders the men to take prisoners to gain information about Japanese fortifications.
Anderson leads the men as they hit the beach and dig in. They face a sudden Japanese rocket attack, resulting in casualties. Anderson’s platoon is tasked with capturing Japanese prisoners for interrogation to stop the rocket fire.
Guided by Sergeant Johnson, Anderson’s men are ambushed at a Japanese-held cave. They successfully capture prisoners but face losses on their return journey, including Doc, the corpsman who has been with Anderson the longest.
Anderson, Johnson, and surviving members uncover a highly educated officer disguised as a private among the prisoners. Through interrogation, they locate the Japanese rocket positions, fulfilling their mission.
As Anderson leads another assault on the Japanese after overcoming personal loss, U.S. Navy Corsairs arrive to eliminate the enemy threat. The men’s bravery and sacrifice lead to success in their mission.
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