The story follows Alec McCall (Matthew Modine), a spy, who teams up with Clements, a chimp, to prevent sinister experiments conducted by his boss, Flick. Flick’s intentions involve creating chimp soldiers for profit, leading McCall to take Clements on the run to his hometown.
In their hometown, McCall and Clements meet Michael (Seth Adkins), a young genius determined to impress a girl by joining the football team. The team’s coach (Jeffrey Tambor) offers Michael a spot on the team in exchange for tutoring star players with failing grades.
As Flick’s goons search for Clements, McCall seeks refuge with single mom Megan (Roma Downey), who remains unaware of the chimp’s presence. When Flick personally captures Clements and Michael, McCall must rescue them from Flick’s headquarters, leading to a thrilling Homecoming football game showdown.
With Flick and his henchmen disguised as football players, McCall, Clements, and Michael join forces to thwart their plans and secure victory in the game. Michael’s triumph on the field, coupled with McCall’s heroism, results in Flick’s arrest for animal cruelty.
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Experience the heartwarming journey of “Funky Monkey” online today, where friendship, courage, and teamwork prevail against all odds. Watch now and witness the adventures of Alec McCall, Clements the chimp, and the indomitable Michael in this unforgettable tale of hope and victory.