Anna Coleman, a young aspiring musician, lives with her widowed psychologist mother Tess, her younger brother Harry, and her grandfather Alan. Anna is dealing with the loss of her father and struggles to accept her mother’s engagement to Ryan, whom she has not warmed up to. At school, Anna faces challenges from teachers, bullying from her former best friend, and a crush on Jake, who her mother does not approve of. Her band Pink Slip has an upcoming audition that conflicts with her mother’s wedding rehearsal.
During a heated argument at a Chinese restaurant, Anna and Tess unwittingly switch bodies after reading fortune cookies simultaneously. Tess, now in Anna’s body, experiences her daughter’s struggles at school, while Anna, in Tess’s body, learns about her mother’s professional challenges. The only way to reverse the switch is to show selfless love towards each other.
As Anna navigates her mother’s clients and wedding stress, Tess, in Anna’s body, interferes with school troubles and confronts a teacher who mistreats her daughter. Both Anna and Tess make amends with family members and friends, growing closer and understanding each other’s perspective. Jake, impressed by both sides of Anna, offers his support.
During the rehearsal dinner, as tensions rise, Anna and Tess finally switch back to their original bodies through a magical twist triggered by acceptance and understanding. Tess and Ryan tie the knot, and Anna finds the courage to pursue a relationship with Jake. The band’s performance seals a night of harmony and newfound appreciation within the family.
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