In the heart of this tale lies Shizuko, a graceful tango dancer, and her husband Takayoshi Tōyama, a successful businessman. Despite outward appearances, Shizuko grapples with masochistic dreams and a lack of desire for her husband.
Enter the yakuza boss Kanzō Morita, in possession of a damning video implicating Tōyama in corruption. With Tōyama indebted to the yakuza, Morita reveals a twisted ultimatum involving Shizuko and Tōyama’s mentor, Ippei Tashiro.
In a bid to save himself, Tōyama delivers Shizuko to a masked ball, unaware of the horrors awaiting her. Kidnapped and subjected to bondage and degradation, Shizuko’s only solace lies in submission to protect herself and others.
As the night unfolds, Shizuko endures a harrowing ordeal of punishments and obedience, leading to a final desperate plea for release.
Amidst the chaos, Tōyama seeks redemption and pays his debts, finally reaching Shizuko. Yet, her response is a stark demand that reveals her complex desires. As the story reaches its climax, Shizuko’s fate hangs in the balance, leaving readers to ponder the blurred lines between reality and fantasy.
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