Ching Hing-lung, portrayed by the legendary Jackie Chan, is a rebellious youngster living in a remote village under the tutelage of his kung fu master grandfather, Ching Pang-fei, played by James Tien. Despite his grandfather’s teachings, Lung finds himself entangled in gambling and street fights, showcasing his hidden martial arts prowess.
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One fateful day, Lung lands a job selling coffins for a deceitful employer who resorts to underhanded tactics like peddling used coffins. His employment comes to an abrupt end when a mishap results in his boss being trapped inside a coffin, leading to Lung’s dismissal. On the run, Lung encounters three former foes seeking kung fu training and introduces them to their sifu, Tee Cha, the inadequate leader of the Everything Clan.
Master Tee sees potential in Lung and offers him a lucrative position training students and participating in battles against rival schools’ top fighters. Lung’s success elevates the school’s standing but also attracts unwanted attention when he mistakenly associates it with the Ying Yee clan. This error draws the ire of the villainous kung fu master, Yam Tin-fa, who seeks retribution by murdering Lung’s grandfather.
Consumed by grief and a thirst for vengeance, Lung seeks out The Unicorn, portrayed by Chan Wai-lau, for intensive training to avenge his grandfather’s death.
After honing his martial arts skills under The Unicorn’s guidance, Lung confronts Yam Tin-fa in a dramatic showdown filled with intricate fight sequences and emotional turmoil. With determination and courage, Lung emerges victorious, avenging his grandfather’s murder and restoring honor to his family name.
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