Once a celebrated rock climber during his college years, Yong-nam (Jo Jong-suk) now finds himself in a challenging situation. As an adult without a job, he is forced to live with his parents, constantly reminded of his circumstances by his older sister, Jung-hyun. With their mother’s 70th birthday approaching, Jung-hyun urges Yong-nam to clean up his act and make a good impression at the celebration.
For the special occasion, Yong-nam insists on celebrating at the Cloud Garden, secretly knowing that his old crush and fellow ex-rock climber, Eui-joo (Im Yoon-ah), works there. When he unexpectedly runs into Eui-joo, he feels compelled to impress her. To do so, he fabricates a story about having a successful career, leaving her both surprised and intrigued.
Unbeknownst to them, a terrorist has parked a truck nearby and released a toxic white gas that quickly spreads throughout the area, causing chaos in the city. Eui-joo learns from a phone call that Yong-nam has been dishonest about his job, sparking her curiosity about his true situation. Meanwhile, Yong-nam’s family is oblivious to the danger until they see the encroaching gas. Urged by Eui-joo, they attempt to return to the Cloud Garden, but Jung-hyun stumbles and is quickly overwhelmed by the toxic gas.
To save themselves and Jung-hyun, the family heads to the roof, only to find the door locked. With everyone else occupied, Yong-nam takes matters into his own hands. He shatters a window and leaps to an adjacent building, using a makeshift harness to scale the Cloud Garden and reach the roof. Once there, he opens the door for his family, and they manage to signal a passing rescue helicopter with crude SOS signals.
However, when it comes time to board the helicopter, Yong-nam and Eui-joo are prevented from getting on due to the weight limit. With the gas rising, they are forced to improvise safety gear and leave the Cloud Garden in search of higher ground. They soon find another building and signal to another helicopter, but their hopes are dashed when they see a group of students trapped in a nearby building. They selflessly redirect the helicopter to the students, only to face another explosion at a nearby gas station, forcing them to flee once more.
After two failed rescue attempts, Yong-nam and Eui-joo realize that their only chance of survival is to reach the tower crane, the highest point in the area. As they make their way, they are discovered by a drone, which they use to navigate towards the crane. However, after running and climbing across several buildings, the drone loses power, leaving them at a dead end with no clear path to the tower crane.
Just as despair sets in, multiple drones converge on their location. Yong-nam ingeniously suspends a rope across the buildings using one of the drones. They attempt to swing across, but their combined weight proves too much, and they fall, seemingly to their deaths. Miraculously, they survive the fall and reach the tower crane, where they are eventually rescued by a helicopter.
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Once safely on the ground, Yong-nam tearfully reunites with his family. As he and Eui-joo prepare to say goodbye, they agree to meet again in the future. Standing together, they share a smile as rain begins to fall, washing away the remnants of the toxic gas from the city.
Don’t miss out on this gripping story of survival and redemption. “Exit 0 Watch Full Movie” is a thrilling experience that showcases the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Join Yong-nam and Eui-joo on their harrowing journey and witness their incredible story unfold. Watch the movie today!