In the aftermath of World War II, Brigadier General Bonner Fellers finds himself in Japan as part of the occupation force. His mission is clear: to arrest Japanese war criminals, including the notorious former Prime Minister Hideki Tojo. However, Fellers has a personal agenda as well; he secretly instructs his Japanese interpreter and driver, Takahashi, to locate his lost love, Aya Shimada.
After successfully apprehending Tojo, Fellers receives a surprising directive from General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. MacArthur reveals that Emperor Hirohito is being shielded from war crimes trials, despite the American public’s demand for accountability. The potential for a revolt looms large if the Emperor is prosecuted, leading MacArthur to grant Fellers a mere ten days to investigate the Emperor’s involvement in the war.
Takahashi soon delivers devastating news: Aya’s Tokyo apartment has been bombed. Fellers orders him to investigate her hometown of Shizuoka, hoping to uncover any leads about her fate. Meanwhile, Fellers and his team compile a list of influential Japanese officials who advised Emperor Hirohito during the war, seeking any evidence of collaboration or wrongdoing.
As Fellers interrogates Tojo, he learns about Fumimaro Konoe, another former prime minister. Fellers questions Konoe about the Emperor’s responsibility for the war, but receives no definitive answers. Instead, Konoe directs him to Kōichi Kido, the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, who may hold crucial information.
Fellers eagerly awaits his meeting with Kido, but the encounter is fraught with tension as Kido ultimately backs out, fearing retribution. This moment triggers memories for Fellers of his 1940 visit to Tokyo, where he reunited with Aya, who had returned to Japan after her father’s death. The emotional weight of their past looms over Fellers as he navigates the complexities of his mission.
After a banquet at MacArthur’s residence, Takahashi informs Fellers that Shizuoka has also been bombed. Driven by urgency, Fellers travels there, instructing Takahashi to compile a list of the deceased. In his reflections, Fellers recalls a visit to Aya’s uncle, General Kajima, who had shared insights into the mindset of the Japanese soldier, emphasizing their unwavering duty to the Emperor.
Upon returning to Tokyo, Fellers decides to interview Teizaburō Sekiya, a member of the Privy Council. However, like others, Sekiya provides no evidence to exonerate the Emperor. Just when Fellers feels the walls closing in, Kido unexpectedly arrives in the dead of night to share his testimony.
Kido recounts the deadlock within the Supreme Council before Japan’s surrender, revealing that the Emperor had to address the Council due to the presence of radical militarists in the Imperial Army. To ensure the surrender order was communicated, the Emperor recorded an audio message. However, before it could be broadcast, a coup attempt by militarists led to an attack on the Imperial Palace. Miraculously, both the Emperor and Kido survived and managed to broadcast the recording.
Unfortunately for Fellers, all other witnesses have committed suicide, and crucial records have been destroyed, leaving him with only Kido’s account. Kido explains that while the Emperor’s role is largely ceremonial, he played a pivotal part in bringing an end to the war.
Fellers seeks out General Kajima once more, who provides a sobering perspective on the Japanese people’s deep-rooted cultural values. Kajima articulates how these values drive both great sacrifices and unspeakable crimes. While he cannot definitively state the Emperor’s guilt, he underscores the Emperor’s significant role in ending the conflict.
In a poignant moment, Kajima presents Fellers with a box of folded letters from Aya, addressed to him. Tragically, Aya has died in an Allied bombing raid, adding a layer of personal loss to Fellers’ already heavy burden. As he grapples with the implications of his findings, Fellers concludes that the Emperor’s guilt or innocence may never be fully known, but his influence in ending the war is undeniable.
Fellers submits his report to MacArthur, who expresses dissatisfaction with the lack of conclusive evidence. Fellers passionately argues for the Emperor’s exoneration, citing the Allies’ agreement to